Let G be a finite group with

Rubi Riggs

Rubi Riggs

Answered question


Let G be a finite group with card(G)=p2q with p<q two ' numbers. We denote sq the number of q-Sylow subgroups of G and similarly for p. I have just shown that sq{1, p2}. Now I want to show that
i.e. that for S, TSylq(G) with ST we that S{1}T{1}=

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-14Added 10 answers

Step 1
is a subgroup of S and T, then its order divides
Since q is a ', then either |ST|=1 or |ST|=q.
Since ST it must hold |ST|=1, which means ST={1G}, therefore (S{1G})(T{1G})=

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