it is observed that an anchored boat rises and falls a total distance of 2m every 4 seconds when passing through where it is, waves whose crests are separated by a distance of 30m. determine: a) the frequency of the waves b) Its breadth c) Its wavelength



Answered question


it is observed that an anchored boat rises and falls a total distance of 2m every 4 seconds when passing through where it is, waves whose crests are separated by a distance of 30m. determine:
a) the frequency of the waves
b) Its breadth
c) Its wavelength

Answer & Explanation

Lydia Poole

Lydia Poole

Beginner2022-12-18Added 6 answers

2m in every second
so, V = 2 4   m / s V = 0.5   m / s
a) frequency f = V t = 0.5 30 f = 1.6 × 10 2   s e c
b) x = V t x = 0.5 × 4 x = 2 m
Wavelength =30 m

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