a point charge q is placed at the corner of a cube with side l find flux through entire surface and flux through each face

John Noble

John Noble

Answered question


A point charge q is placed at the corner of a cube with side l find flux through entire surface and flux through each face

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-07Added 8 answers

The total flux from a charge q is q / ϵ 0 (Gauss's law). Some of the flux enters and exits the cube through some of its faces if the charge is on the cube's corner. However, some of the flux escapes the cube.
Consider that each of the eight hypothetical cubes has the charge on a corner that is in the very center of the cube. An equal amount of flux will spread outwards through each of the cubes (symmetry)
Since the flux is shared between 8 cubes, the flux through each is ( 1 / 8 ) q / ϵ 0 [entire surface]
Now flux(1/8th) will pass through three of the faces of (smaller)cube and three faces wont have any effect(the ones from which the cube passes)
This 1/8th will be divided into 3 parts again.
so the total will be ( 1 / 24 ) q / ϵ 0 from each face

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