How do You find the Speed of an Electron?



Answered question


How do You find the Speed of an Electron?

Answer & Explanation

Jimmy Sandoval

Jimmy Sandoval

Beginner2022-11-27Added 9 answers

To find the speed of an electron:
Electron, proton, and neutron make up an atom. The electron is one the subatomic particle having mass 9×10-31kg. Every moving object has kinetic energy which is equal to 1/2mv2, here m=massoftheobjectandv=velocity. The equation is in electromagnetics, qV=1/2mv2,wherem=9×10-31kgandq=thechargeofasingleelectron(1.6×10-19C)Speed of electron V=1/2mqv2​​ For example, Find the speed of electron when V=100?Step 1: v=2qV/m
Step 2: Given: m=9×10-31kg,q=1.6×10-19C,v=100
Thus, the speed of electron is calculated by v=2qV/m

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