A motor boat has a speed of 10 km/h with respect to water. A river flows at 5 km/h towards west. The boat nedds to cross from the south shore to a point directly opposite on the north shore. At what angle must the boat be headed as measured from north?

Fletcher Ramirez

Fletcher Ramirez

Answered question


A motor boat has a speed of 10 km/h with respect to water. A river flows at 5 km/h towards west. The boat nedds to cross from the south shore to a point directly opposite on the north shore. At what angle must the boat be headed as measured from north?

Answer & Explanation

Addison Mueller

Addison Mueller

Beginner2022-11-25Added 10 answers

V b g = 10 k m / h V r g = 5 k m / h V b r + V r g = V b g | V b g | = 10 2 + 5 2 = 11.2 k m / h θ = tan 1 ( | V r g | | V b g | ) θ = tan 1 ( 5 10 ) = 26.6 0

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