Two automobiles start from a point A at the same time. One travels towards the west at the speed of 60 miles per hour while the other travels towards the North at 35 mph. Their distance apart after 3 hours later is increasing at the rate (in mph)

Lucille Li

Lucille Li

Answered question


Two automobiles start from a point A at the same time. One travels towards the west at the speed of 60 miles per hour while the other travels towards the North at 35 mph. Their distance apart after 3 hours later is increasing at the rate (in mph)

Answer & Explanation

Marley Rowe

Marley Rowe

Beginner2023-02-08Added 6 answers

At time t hours, the distance d is d 2 = ( 60 t ) 2 + ( 35 t ) 2
When t=3 thus d=208.39
Then 2 d ( d d d t ) = 7200 t + 2450 t = 9650 t 28950 ( 2 208.39 ) = 69.46

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