I Let A and B be ideals of

Answered question


I Let A and B be ideals of a ring. Prove that AB subsete A  cap B

Answer & Explanation



Expert2022-08-10Added 777 answers

I will modify your reverse inclusion statement. Let us suppose we have a+b=1 for aA and bb. Then for xAB we have xa+xb=x. Note that xaAB because xAB (see note below) and similarly xbAB. Thus x is the sum of two elements in AB. Thus, xAB, and so we have reverse inclusion.

As mentioned by Potato above a Commutative Ring is needed here (I use it implicitly when I say xaAB, because xa is really in BA, but by being in a commutative ring, BA=AB).

As a counterexample, take the ring of 2×2 upper triangular matrices over R. Take A= 1000B=0001I=(A),J=(B) (as left ideals). Now all matrices of I are of the form a0b0 and the matrices of J are of the form  (0c0d),a,b,c,dR. Now A+B=Id, so I+J=R. Yet, IJ=0 and if C=(0101)JAC=(0100)IJ.

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