Write the formula for the nth term given 900, 300, 100, 33 1/3,...



Answered question


Write the formula for the nth term given 900, 300, 100, 33 1/3,...

Answer & Explanation

Davin Meyer

Davin Meyer

Beginner2022-10-14Added 13 answers

Each term after the first is equal to the previous term multiplied by 1 3 . If we do not simplify at each step, and simply group the 1 3 s together, then we can rewrite the sequence as
900 , 900 1 3 , 900 ( 1 3 ) 2 , 900 ( 1 3 ) 3 , ...
and from this it is evident that the n th term may be written as 900 ( 1 3 ) n - 1
This type of sequence is called a geometric sequence. A geometric sequence is a sequence of the form a 0 , a 0 r , a 0 r 2 , ... where a 0 is the starting term and r is the common ratio between terms. In this case, we'd have a 0 = 900 and r = 1 3 .
900 ( 1 3 ) n - 1

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