Find function which contains two points. A certain function contains points (-3,5) and (5,2). We are asked to find this function,of course this will be simplest if we consider slope form equation y−y_1=m(x-x_1) but could we find for general form of equation? for example quadratic?

Paloma Sanford

Paloma Sanford

Answered question


Find function which contains two points
A certain function contains points (-3, 5) and (5, 2). We are asked to find this function,of course this will be simplest if we consider slope form equation
y y 1 = m ( x x 1 )
but could we find for general form of equation? for example quadratic? cubic?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-28Added 12 answers

Step 1
If you want a quadratic equation y = a x 2 + b x + c, then you need at least three points to completely determine the quadratic; plugging in just two points gives you two equations in three unknowns:
5 = a ( 3 ) 2 + b ( 3 ) + c 2 = a ( 5 ) 2 + b ( 2 ) + c .
This gives you the equations
9 a 3 b + c = 5 25 a + 2 b + c = 2.
Step 2
There are infinitely many solutions to these equations. Similarly, with a cubic, you need 4 points to completely determine it; with just two, you get two equations in four unknowns, after setting it up as y = a x 3 + b x 2 + c x + d.
When you have n different points, then the method of Lagrange interpolation will produce a polynomial of degree n 1 whose graph goes through the given points.
Jairo Decker

Jairo Decker

Beginner2022-10-29Added 1 answers

Step 1
You could do this, but there would be many solutions. For a quadratic, you start with the general form
y = a x 2 + b x + c .
Then substitute the x, y values given by the points.
5 = 9 a 3 b + c 2 = 25 a + 5 b + c
Step 2
Solve this for a,b, and c (There will be infintley many solutions. To get the solution, give c a value, then solve for a and b)

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