If f(f(x+y))=f(x^2)+f(y^2) then f(x)=?

Nayeli Osborne

Nayeli Osborne

Answered question


If f ( f ( x + y ) ) = f ( x 2 ) + f ( y 2 ) then f ( x ) = ? for all integers ( f : Z Z )
I know how to solve the following problem though: if f ( f ( x + y ) ) = f ( 2 x ) + 2 f ( y ) then f ( x ) = ? We can easily analyze that f(x) here (in the second problem) is a linear function. And hence solve it by using the linear equation.
But, As for the main problem (the one I mentioned first) I don't know how to proceed. Should I use the quadratic equation? (my calculation says its a quadratic function)

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-02Added 15 answers

Step 1
Substituting y = x grants f ( f ( 0 ) ) = 2 f ( x 2 ). Thus f ( x 2 ) is constant for all x, i.e. f is constant for nonnegative numbers, the range of values for x 2 .
Step 2
(If your f has domain R or something else, you'll need to specify to proceed further.)
Keyla Koch

Keyla Koch

Beginner2022-11-03Added 3 answers

Step 1
in this answer, x and y are integers.
let y = x.
then 2 f ( x 2 ) = f ( f ( 0 ) )
let x = 0
then 2 f ( 0 ) = f ( f ( 0 ) )
Let a = f ( 0 )
f ( a ) = 2 a
f ( f ( x + y ) ) = f ( x 2 ) + f ( y 2 ) = 2 a
f ( f ( x ) ) = 2 a
f ( 2 a ) = f ( f ( a ) ) = 2 a
f has only one fixed point 2f(0).
also, the fixed point cannot be a square or twice a square.
Step 2
so the solutions f must satisfy 2 conditions:
- f ( f ( x ) ) = 2 f ( 0 )
- f ( x 2 ) = f ( 0 )
f cannot be a polynomial, because if it were, its second iterate is a polynomial and a constant at the same time, contradiction. in particular, f cannot be linear or quadratic. also the qn mentioned another functional eqn, but the solution of one won't help with solving the other.

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