A water hose flow at 5litre a min,how long will it take to fill a 30litres bucket?



Answered question


A water hose flow at 5litre a min,how long will it take to fill a 30litres bucket?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-26Added 8 answers

Looking at your information:
5 L = 1 minute
You are looking for:
30 L = ? minute/s
In knowing this, you can use ratios to solve.
5 L : 1 minute
30 L : ? minutes
Now, multiply the 30 L by 1 minute
30 min × 1 L = 30 min L
Now, divide the value by the 5 L
30 min     L 5 L = 6 minutes
A more simple method to solve this would be to see how many times the number 5 fits into 30. So,
30 5 = 6
Therefore you need 6 lots of 5 L to fill the bucket. This 6 'lots' is actually 6 'minutes'.

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