Logarithmic Equation: Solve for x log_(3x)81=2

Janiah Parks

Janiah Parks

Answered question


Logarithmic Equation: Solve for x
log 3 x 81 = 2
How would I go about solving this? This is what I tried:
log 3 x 81 = 2
log 81 log 3 + log x = 2
Where do I go from here?
If I isolate log x on one side, how do I get rid of the log?

Answer & Explanation

Jaylyn George

Jaylyn George

Beginner2022-10-11Added 6 answers

log 3 x ( 81 ) = 2 is equivalent to
( 3 x ) 2 = 9 x 2 = 81
by the definition of the logarithm.
9 x 2 = 81 x 2 = 9
This gives solutions x = 3 and x = 3, but only x = 3 is a solution, since the base of a logarithm must be greater than zero.


Beginner2022-10-12Added 2 answers

For any two real numbers b and x where b is positive and b 1,
y = b z z = log b ( y )
so for log 3 x 81 = 2 we have
( 3 x ) 2 = 81 = ( 3 3 ) 2 x = 3

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