A polynomial whose roots form an arithmetic progression. Let f be a fourth degree polynomial whose roots form an arithmetic progression. Prove that f′'s roots also form an arithmetic progression.



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A polynomial whose roots form an arithmetic progression
Let f be a fourth degree polynomial whose roots form an arithmetic progression. Prove that f′'s roots also form an arithmetic progression.
I didn' t make much progress, I just wrote f ( x ) = a ( x b r ) ( x b 2 r ) ( x b 3 r ) ( x b 4 r ) and I tried to differentiate, which obviously doesn't help too much.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-17Added 22 answers

Step 1
Clearly, the problem is unaffected by shifting the polynomial horizontally via x x a. Using this observations, we can WLOG that f ( x ) = k ( x 3 d ) ( x d ) ( x + d ) ( x + 3 d ). Since f ( x ) = f ( x ), we have f ( x ) = f ( x ).
Step 2
Note this implies f ( 0 ) = 0, and if α is a root of f′(x) then α is too. So the roots of f′(x) are 0 , ± α for some α R which is clearly an arithmetic progression.

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