Given n=pq where p and q, p ne q are primes, P(x) is polynomial and z in Z_n



Answered question


Modular arithmetic with polynomial
Given n = p q where p & q , p q are primes, P(x) is polynomial and z Z n
I need to prove that:
p ( z ) 0 ( mod n ) p ( z ( mod p ) ) 0 ( mod p ) p ( z ( mod q ) ) 0 ( mod q )
If i could prove the more general case: P ( z ) mod n P ( z mod p ) mod p (q is the same) then i could also prove what i need of course. from my understanding so far, the above is true, but i can't figure out a way to prove this.
Back to the original question, i tried to see why the fact that p divides P(z mod p) and q divides P(z mod q) implies that pq divides P(z) and vice versa, but i didn't have much success with this.

Answer & Explanation

Hailee West

Hailee West

Beginner2022-11-20Added 15 answers

Step 1
1. Chinese remainder theorem, to go from p,q to n.
Step 2
2. Expand the polynomial P, to see that P ( z mod m ) P ( z ) ( mod m ).


Beginner2022-11-21Added 2 answers

Step 1
First, generally   p , q n l c m ( p q ) n . But   l c m ( p , q ) = p q when p,q are coprime.
Second   p P ( n ) p P ( n   m o d   p )   holds true because     m o d   p :   A a     P ( A ) P ( a ) , , for any polynomial P with integer coefficients. This is true because polynomials are composed of Sums and Products, and these operations respect congruences, i.e. the rules below hold true
Congruence Sum Rule A a , B b     A + B a + b       ( m o d   m )
Proof     m | A a ,   B b     m   |   ( A a ) + ( B b )   =   A + B ( a + b )
Congruence Product Rule   A a ,     a n d     B b     A B a b       ( m o d   m )
Proof     m | A a ,   B b     m   |   ( A a )   B + a   ( B b )   =   A B a b
Step 2
Beware that such rules need not hold true for other operations, e.g. the exponential analog of above A B a b is not generally true (unless B = b , so it follows by applying b times the Product Rule).

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