Can someone help me solve this Laplace Transform

Answered question


Can someone help me solve this Laplace Transform exercise?

It is given that:




and i need to calculate the L.T. of:




(without calculating the ILT)


Please help, im stuck for days.


Thank you!

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2023-05-04Added 181 answers

We have X(s)=s+2s2+4s+5, and we want to find the Laplace transform of y(t)=x(2t1)u(2t1), where u(t) is the unit step function.
First, we can rewrite y(t) as:
Now we can apply the time-shifting property of the Laplace transform, which states that:
Using this property with f(t)=x(t) and a=12, we get:
To solve for A, B, and C, we can use partial fractions. Multiplying both sides by the denominator and simplifying, we get:
Setting s=5, we get A=325. Setting s=12, we get C=125. Finally, setting s=0, we get B=11105.
Therefore, we have:

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