all numerical answers should be given exactly or

Answered question


all numerical answers should be given exactly or correct to three significant figures



does the above men that a result should be necessarily rounded to three places after decimal or that the result must be at least correct tho the three first figures after the decimal?

Answer & Explanation

Jazz Frenia

Jazz Frenia

Skilled2023-05-06Added 106 answers

Significant figures are the digits in a number that carry meaning or contribute to its precision. The first significant figure is the first non-zero digit, and subsequent figures are any additional non-zero digits as well as any zeros between non-zero digits. For example, the number 0.00250 has three significant figures (2, 5, and 0), whereas the number 0.0250 has four significant figures (2, 5, and 0 are significant, and the last zero is a placeholder and not significant).
When expressing a result to a certain number of significant figures, we round the result to the appropriate number of digits while preserving the significance of the original measurement. For example, if we are asked to give a result to three significant figures, the result 2.3567 would be rounded to 2.36, whereas the result 0.00042567 would be rounded to 0.000425.
Therefore, when the instruction is to give answers to three significant figures, the result should be given to three digits that are significant and may or may not require rounding to three decimal places.

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