A car heading north collides at an intersection with a truckheading east. If they lock together and travel at 28 m/s at 15^\circ north of east just after the collision,how fast was the car initially traveling? Assume that the two vehicles have the same mass. a. 7 m/s b. 28 m/s c. 14 m/s d. 11 m/s



Answered question


A car heading north collides at an intersection with a truckheading east. If they lock together and travel at 28 m/s at 15 north of east just after the collision,how fast was the car initially traveling? Assume that the two vehicles have the same mass.
a. 7 m/s
b. 28 m/s
c. 14 m/s
d. 11 m/s

Answer & Explanation

Aamina Herring

Aamina Herring

Skilled2021-02-22Added 85 answers

momentum = mv, where m is the mass and v is the velocity
(momentum before)y=(momentum after)y
v = 14.49 m/s
=14 m/s to 2 sig fig)

Jeffrey Jordon

Jeffrey Jordon

Expert2021-09-30Added 2605 answers


Vcar upwards+Vtruch eastwards=2(28sin46 upwards+28cos46 eastwadds)

equating upwards nad eastwrads componnts



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