How to solve x 4 </msup> + 6 x 3 </msup> &#x2212;<!-- − --> 14



Answered question


How to solve x 4 + 6 x 3 14 x 2 + 160 = 0

Answer & Explanation

Charlize Manning

Charlize Manning

Beginner2022-07-04Added 12 answers

The equation has two real roots and two imaginary ones. The real ones are:
x 1 = R T + S c
x 2 = R + T + S c
the parameter values are:
R = A 1 / 3 + a 1 / 3 + b
S = h + g 1 / 3 + G 1 / 3 f 1 / 3 F 1 / 3
T = j k 1 / 3 K 1 / 3
F = 3237158375 5832 166375 19765 54
f = 3237158375 5832 + 166375 19765 54
G = 609113809 729 155656 19765 27
g = 609113809 729 + 155656 19765 27
h = 101 4
K = 19457 216 19765 2
b = 55 12
c = 3 2

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