Let f(x) in ZZ[X] be a polynomial such that for every value of a in ZZ, f(a) is always a multiple of 101 or 107. Prove that f(a) is always divisible by 101for all values of a, or that f(a) is divisible by 107 for all values of a.

Ishaan Booker

Ishaan Booker

Answered question


Let f ( x ) Z [ X ] be a polynomial such that for every value of a Z is always a multiple of 101 or 107. Prove that f ( a ) is always divisible by 101 for all values of a, or that f(a) is divisible by 107 for all values of a

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-23Added 15 answers

If neither of the statements "f(x) is always divisible by 101" or "f(x) is always divisible by 107" is true, then there exist a , b Z so that 107 f ( a ) and 101 f ( b ). It follows from hypotheses that
{ f ( a ) 0 mod 101 f ( a ) 0 mod 107 { f ( b ) 0 mod 101 f ( b ) 0 mod 107
Let c Z be a mod 107 and b mod 101. Is f(c) divisible by 101 or 107.

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