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Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
Salvador Bush Salvador Bush 2022-07-08

I have the following velocity measurements, where the sign of V e defines opposing directions of movement in a completely symmetric experimental setting:
V e [ c m / s ] V m [ c m / s ] Δ V [ c m / s ] 9 9.38 0.38 8 8.491 0.491 7 7.482 0.482 6 6.502 0.502 5 5.726 0.726 4 4.499 0.499 3 2.021 0.979 2 2.34 0.34 1 2.018 1.018 0 0 0 1 0.501 0.499 2 2.328 0.328 3 2.988 0.012 4 3.503 0.497 5 4.506 0.494 6 5.762 0.238 7 7.479 0.479 8 7.981 0.019 9 8.496 0.504
In this table, Δ V = | V m | | V e |
Running a Student t-test on Δ V, we find that the mean does not significantly differ from zero, under a type I error of 5%. From this result, I conclude that Δ V is a random error.
The reviewer of my work (I'm an academic student) insists that my method does not account for the direction (i.e. the sign of V). That is indeed the case, since my test answers a precise question: Does the measurement method ( V m ) systematically over/underestimates the true velocity ( | | V e | | )?
Instead, the reviewer uses Δ V = V m V e to show that the method significantly overestimates V e, especially when V e < 0, using the same t-test. However, I am having trouble finding what specific question such a test answers, and the reviewer's statement is wrong in my opinion.
What is the correct way of defining Δ V and discern a systematic measurement error?

It does not matter what measurement problem you may start with for your pre-algebra task because the trick here is to work with equations and variables based on the situation. See helpful measurement examples that have been provided, yet make sure that you read original instructions first. It will help you to determine how to outline the problem. The majority of measurement homework that relates to calculations will also contain verbal or word-based measurement questions, which is why the use of logic and strategic thinking is always essential!