Assume the ADC on your microcontroller is configured to produce a 10-bit digital result and ADC V_R+ and V_R- are 4 V and O V, respectively. Which of the following analog voltage is most likely to produce the digital output of 256?

Rishi Russell

Rishi Russell

Answered question


Asume the ADC on your microcontroller is configured to produce a 10-bit digital result and ADC V R + and V R are 4V and 0 V respectively. Which of the following analog voltage is most likely to produce the digital output of 256?

Answer & Explanation

Ainsley Kirk

Ainsley Kirk

Beginner2022-12-18Added 8 answers

We have: 10 bit ADC = V R + V R = 3 0 = 4   V
Resolution of ADC = Range 2 10 = 4 1024   V
To produce 256(decimal equivalent of binary) as digital ouput ,the input volatge ( V i ) = 256  Resolution.
So ( V i ) = 1   V

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