Superman can fly at a speed of 2.6 times 10^7 m/s. A supersonic jet on the planet Krypton can fly at a maximum speed of 130000 m/s. Choose the correct option(s): A)Superman flies 200 times faster than the jet B)The jet flies 200 times faster than Superman C)Superman flies 2000 times faster than the jet D)The jet flies 2000 times faster than Superman

Hannah Richmond

Hannah Richmond

Answered question


Superman can fly at a speed of 2.6 × 10 7 m / s. A supersonic jet on the planet Krypton can fly at a maximum speed of 130000 m/s. Choose the correct option(s):
A)Superman flies 200 times faster than the jet
B)The jet flies 200 times faster than Superman
C)Superman flies 2000 times faster than the jet
D)The jet flies 2000 times faster than Superman

Answer & Explanation

Mia Small

Mia Small

Beginner2023-02-16Added 11 answers

The right answer is A Superman flies 200 times faster than the jet
Speed of Superman = 2.6 × 10 7 = 26000000
26000000 = 200 × 130000
Thus, Superman flies 200 times faster than the jet.

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