How to find the equation of a parabola with 3 points?



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Answer & Explanation

Eva Harrington

Eva Harrington

Beginner2023-02-18Added 6 answers

The general equation of parabola is y=ax2+bx+c
Let ( x 1 , y 1 ) , ( x 2 , y 2 ) , ( x 3 , y 3 ) are the 3 points that lie on the parabola.
These points satisfy the equation of parabola.
y 1 a x 1 2 b x 1 c = 0
y 2 a x 2 2 b x 2 c = 0
y 3 a x 3 2 b x 3 c = 0
Next solving these equations we can find the values of a,b,c.
The required equation can then be found by substituting it into an equation.
Therefore, in this way we can find the equation of a parabola with 3 points.

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