Moore’s law states that the maximum number of transistors that can fit

Tammy Todd

Tammy Todd

Answered question


Moore’s law states that the maximum number of transistors that can fit on a silicon chip doubles every two years.
The function f(x)=42(1.41)x
models the number of transistors, in millions, that can fit on a chip, where x is the number of years since 2000.
Using this model, in what year can a chip hold 1 billion transistors?

Answer & Explanation

Sally Cresswell

Sally Cresswell

Skilled2021-08-12Added 91 answers


Set f(x)=1000 , which is 1 billion in the units we're using, and use fundamental features of logarithms to find the number of years x.
3. x is the number of years since 2000. Since x is fractional we round up and add 2000 x=10, 2010 year.

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