I was trying to prove that \(\) where w

George Michael

George Michael

Answered question


I was trying to prove that

where w is a complex number with absolute value smaller than 1 and rR, r<1. I saw some solution online, which says we substitute w=meix so that the LHS becomes (mr)2. How is that true?
We have

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-10Added 16 answers

The assertion in the online solution appears to be incorrect.
LHS= |w|2(w+w)r+r2
RHS= 1(w+w)r+|w|2r2
Now compare |w|2+r2 with 1+|w|2r2
Evidence of the initial claim.

Emelia Leon

Emelia Leon

Beginner2022-04-11Added 18 answers

LHS is not (mr)2, a trivial example would be w=i and r=1! In that case, (mr)2=0 which is apparently not true.
Nevertheless, you can state that LHS:

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