The displacement of a car is given by the formula s=-2t^3+2t^2+16t-1 where s is in meters and t is in second. 4.1 Find the formula for the velociry of the car at any time t. 4.2 Find the acceleration of the car when t=5 seconds.



Answered question


The displacement of a car is given by the formula s = 2 t 3 + 2 t 2 + 16 t 1 where s is in meters and t is in second.
4.1 Find the formula for the velociry of the car at any time t.
4.2 Find the acceleration of the car when t=5 seconds.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-07Added 7 answers

s = 2 t 3 + 2 t 2 + 16 t 1
a) v ( t ) = s ( t ) = 3 ( 2 t 2 ) + 2 ( 2 t ) + 16 ( 1 ) v ( t ) = 6 t 2 + 4 t + 16
b) ^2a(t)=s''(t)=-2(6t)+4(1)\=[-12t+4]\a(5)=-12\times5+4=-60+4=-54m/s^2Show External URL Show Embeded Code Hide MathML Code a(t)=s′′(t)=−2(6t)+4(1)=[−12t+4]a(5)=−12×5+4=−60+4=−54m/s2 a ( t ) = s ( t ) = 2 ( 6 t ) + 4 ( 1 ) = [ 12 t + 4 ] a ( 5 ) = 12 × 5 + 4 = 60 + 4 = 54 m / s 2

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