How to prove that the dependent variable could not be expressed explicitly in terms of the independent variable(s)? Consider the equation that xy=logy+1.



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How to prove that the dependent variable could not be expressed explicitly in terms of the independent variable(s)?
Consider the equation that
x y = log y + 1 .
How does one prove that y cannot be expressed explicitly in terms of x?
By the way, I do not know how the adverb "explicitly" is strictly defined, though likely it is generally understood. For example, I would call y = x 1 sin 3 x + 1 an explicit expression.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-06Added 9 answers

You can express y explicitly by x via the Lambert W function. You have
x y = log ( y ) + 1   e x y = y e   x e 1 = x y e x y   W ( x e 1 ) = x y   y = 1 x W ( x e 1 )

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