At a local grocery store, Halloween candies are sold in different sizes. You can buy a bag of 60 candies for $75 or a bag of 100 candies for $24. Determine which bag of candies is more efficient.



Answered question


At a local grocery store, Halloween candies are sold in different sizes. You can buy a bag of 60 candies for $75 or a bag of 100 candies for $24. Determine which bag of candies is more efficient.

Answer & Explanation

Aniyah Liu

Aniyah Liu

Beginner2022-09-07Added 7 answers

for 60 candies need $15 so price 15 60 = 0.25
for 100 cndies need $24 so price 24 1000 = 0.25
So, buying 100 candies for 24$

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