How to prove lnx<x? How can we prove that the inequality ln x<x It is trivial in the cases 0<x<=1. I couldn't do anything for x>1.



Answered question


How to prove ln x < x?
How can we prove that the inequality
ln   x < x
It is trivial in the cases 0 < x 1. I couldn't do anything for x > 1

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-07Added 7 answers

Your inequality is equivalent to x < e x for any x. (Substitute x = log t.) It is obvious for x 0. Moreover, if x > 0 then the Taylor expansion of e x gives
x < 1 + x 1 + x + x 2 2 + = e x .
Denisse Fitzpatrick

Denisse Fitzpatrick

Beginner2022-09-08Added 3 answers

This is one way to see it among others.
The function x ln ( 1 + x ) is a concave function (it's twice differentiable and its second derivative is strictly negative). Thus it's below all its tangents.
The tangent at the point ( 0 , 0 ) is the line y = x. Hence
x > 0 , ln ( 1 + x ) x
We deduce from this that
x > 0 , ln x < x

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