One eight-ounce glass of apple juice and one eight-ounce glass of orange juice contain a total of 180 milligrams of vitamin C. Three eight-ounce glasses of apple juice and four eight-ounce glasses of orange juice contain a total of 625.4 milligrams of vitamin C. How much vitamin C is in an eight-ounce glass of each type of juice?



Answered question


One eight-ounce glass of apple juice and one eight-ounce glass of orange juice contain a total of 180 milligrams of vitamin C. Three eight-ounce glasses of apple juice and four eight-ounce glasses of orange juice contain a total of 625.4 milligrams of vitamin C. How much vitamin C is in an eight-ounce glass of each type of juice?

Answer & Explanation

Johnny Parrish

Johnny Parrish

Beginner2022-09-07Added 12 answers

1 8 x + 1 8 y = 180 3 8 x + 4 8 y = 625.4
on solving , we get x = 756.8 and y = 683.2
so, one eight of each glass of juice contain , apple juice = 756.8 8 = 94.6
so, one eight of each glass of juice contain , orange juice = 683.2 8 = 85.4

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