A baseball is projected upward from the top of a 448-ft-tall building with an initial velocity of 48 feet per second. The height, h,of the baseball above the ground at any time, t, in seconds, is given by the equation h(t)=-16t^2+48t+448 a) Find the height after 2 seconds b) Find the height after 4 seconds c) Find the time it takes for the baseball to strike the ground



Answered question


A baseball is projected upward from the top of a 448-ft-tall building with an initial velocity of 48 feet per second. The height, h,of the baseball above the ground at any time, t, in seconds, is given by the equation h ( t ) = 16 t 2 + 48 t + 448
a) Find the height after 2 seconds
b) Find the height after 4 seconds
c) Find the time it takes for the baseball to strike the ground

Answer & Explanation

Collin Gilbert

Collin Gilbert

Beginner2022-09-07Added 11 answers

h ( t ) = 16 t 2 + 48 t + 448.
a) Find the height after 2 seconds
h ( 2 ) = 16 ( 2 ) 2 + 48 ( 2 ) + 448 = 480
Height after 2 seconds : 480 feet
480 feet
b) Find the height after 4 seconds
h ( 2 ) = 16 ( 4 ) 2 + 48 ( 4 ) + 448 = 384
Height after 4 seconds : 384 feet
384 feet
c) Find the time it takes for the baseball to strike the ground.
When the baseball strikes the ground, height is 0.
h(t) = 0
16 t 2 + 48 t + 448 = 0 t 2 3 t 28 = 0 ( t 7 ) ( t + 4 ) = 0 t = 7  or  t = 4
As t = -4 is not a reasonable value for time, it is rejected.
t = 7
Time taken for the baseball to strike the ground : 7 seconds
7 seconds

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