What are the equations of two lines that intersect at (1,-3)(1,−3)? Check that (1,-3)(1,−3) satisfies both equations.



Answered question


What are the equations of two lines that intersect at (1,-3)(1,−3)? Check that (1,-3)(1,−3) satisfies both equations.

Answer & Explanation

Conor Daniel

Conor Daniel

Beginner2022-10-11Added 11 answers

Equation 1 can be determined by using the values: -3=1-4 implying that equation 1 can be y=x-4. Now equation 2 can be determined similarly using a coefficient of x and adding a constant therefore y=2x+k since y=-3 and x=1, this means that -3=2+k, therefore k=-5 and so equation 2 becomes: y=2x-5.
Equations: y=x−4 and y=2x−5.

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