Finding the limit of lim_(n->oo) (n^(log(n)))/((log n)^n)

Siena Erickson

Siena Erickson

Answered question


Finding the limit of lim n n l o g ( n ) ( log n ) n
I try to calculate the following limit:
lim n n log ( n ) ( log n ) n
I tried this:
lim n e ( log ( n ) ) 2 n log ( log ( n ) )
Is this useful? & what do now?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-14Added 15 answers

It is useful. Now, you could try to look at log 2 n n log log n and see if it converges or diverges to ± -- any of the two will give you the limit you're looking for.
As a start, rewrite
log 2 n n log log n = n ( log 2 n n log log n )
In the parenthesis, the second term goes to . What about the first?

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