Prove that there exists an integer greater than x such that any polynomial f(x) will be strictly non-negative and get large?



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Prove that there exists an integer greater than x such that any polynomial f(x) will be strictly non-negative and get large?
I am taking a number theory class and so far I have been proving modular congruences, modular arithmetic, and prime properties. There is this theorem that came up in the textbook and apparently it does not involve any modular arithmetic. The theorem is as follows
Suppose f ( x ) = a n x n + a n 1 x n 1 + + a 0 is a polynomial of degree n > 0. Then there exists an integer k such that if x > k then f ( x ) > 0.
I feel like this would come up in real analysis, but I have not come that far in my studies. I have an idea of applying induction and using the ceiling function somehow, but I have no idea how to start off this proof. Any help will do and thank you

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-18Added 14 answers

Step 1
One should note that the field of interest here (presumably) is R, so that f(x) is a real polynomial. Notice first that for a n < 0, this fails completely, because we can just choose f ( x ) = x and it does not have the property.
Step 2
If we assume that a n > 0, then write
f ( x ) x n = a n + a n 1 x 1 + + a 1 x 1 n + a 0 x n
so that lim x f ( x ) x n = a n > 0. This implies that lim x f ( x ) = , so that f ( x ) > 0 for x N for some N R
Owen Mathis

Owen Mathis

Beginner2022-11-19Added 3 answers

Step 1
It is obvious that the polynomial cannot be written as a product of more than n linear polynomials, possibly with complex coefficients (for otherwise, it should have a degree greater than n). Thus, f(x) does not vanish at more than n points on the real line. Hence, there is some real x′ so that for all x > x , we must have f ( x ) 0. By continuity (and the fact that f ( x ) + as x + - factor out x n to see this, recalling that a n > 0), it follows that f ( x ) < 0 just before the last zero, so that just after this f ( x ) > 0..
Step 2
Taking x′ to be sufficiently close to, but after, this last zero, and recalling after x′ the polynomial retains constant sign, it follows that it must be positive for all x > x . Finally, by the principle of Archimedes you can find some positive integer greater than this x′.

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