Prove that f(x) is differentiable iff U(x)=x^2+f(x) is differentiable for all x



Answered question


Prove that f(x) is differentiable U ( x ) = x 2 + f ( x ) is differentiable for all x
Here's my proof please let me know if it's OK:
x 2 is differentiable for all x because it's a polynomial. Thus if f(x) is differentiable for all x then U(x) is differentiable for all x. Let U(x) be differentiable for all x. Thus according to addition arithmetic U ( x ) x 2 is differentiable for all x.
But U ( x ) x 2 = x 2 + f ( x ) x 2 = f ( x ). Thus the addition that differentiable itself equals f(x) therefore f(x) is differentiable as well.
I have to admit that there was a very similar exercise in my class and from which I used the "addition arithmetic" however I'm not sure what it would refer to. Does this refer to the fact that according to derivatives arithmetic the result of addition of 2 function which are differentiable themselves is differentiable? But we didn't actually derive these functions.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-19Added 21 answers

Step 1
If you are indeed allowed to use the fact that the sum of differentiable functions is again differentiable and that polynomials are differentiable as well, then your work is fine.
Step 2
U(x) is the sum of two differentiable functions, hence differentiable. And if U(x) is differentiable, then so is U ( x ) + ( x 2 ) = f ( x )

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