Two Big Macs and three Whoppers contain 520 mgs of cholesterol. Three Big Macs and one whopper contain 353 mgs of cholesterol. How many mgs of cholesterol are in each burger?



Answered question


Two Big Macs and three Whoppers contain 520 mgs of cholesterol. Three Big Macs and one whopper contain 353 mgs of cholesterol. How many mgs of cholesterol are in each burger?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-21Added 14 answers

B - Big mac Burger
W - whopeers
Given, two Bif mac and three whoppers contain 520 mgs of cholesterol
2 B + 3 w = 520
3 Big Mcs and one whopper contain 353 m contain 353 mgs ofcholesterol
3 B + 1 w = 353 7 B = 539 B = 539 7 = 77 2 × 77 + 3 w = 520 154 + 3 w = 520 3 w = 520 154 3 w = 360 w = 122  mgs
1 Big Mac contains 77 mgs of cholesterol
1 whopper contains 122 mgs of cholesterol

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