Jose brought a bag of apples to school. In the bad there were two Mutsus, three Janagolds, and nice Red Delicious apples. He let each of his friends have a n apple, but he wouldn't let them look in the bag; they just had to reach in and pull one out without seen it first. Daniel pulled his apple out first. What is the probability he got a Mutsu apple? Write the answer as a percent.

Uriah Molina

Uriah Molina

Answered question


Jose brought a bag of apples to school. In the bad there were two Mutsus, three Janagolds, and nice Red Delicious apples. He let each of his friends have a n apple, but he wouldn't let them look in the bag; they just had to reach in and pull one out without seen it first. Daniel pulled his apple out first. What is the probability he got a Mutsu apple? Write the answer as a percent.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-19Added 16 answers

Probability is calculated as sample divided by total... in this case the total number of Mutsu apples divided by the total number of apples. There were 2 Mutsus and 14 in total (you said nice red delicious, I am assuming you meant nine).
To convert probability to a percent you have to convert the denominator to 100 as follows:
2 14 = x 100
cross multiply: 2 100 = 14 x
then solve for x by dividing each side by 14: 2 100 14 = x
x is the percent you want because x 100 is the same as x%

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