Galois theory in a different setting. Suppose that instead of wanting to express the roots of a polynomial equation with arithmetic operations and radicals we instead wanted expressed it with arithmetic operations and sin(x) ?

Annie French

Annie French

Answered question


Galois theory in a different setting
Suppose that instead of wanting to express the roots of a polynomial equation with arithmetic operations and radicals we instead wanted expressed it with arithmetic operations and sin(x) ?
What (if anything) does Galois theory say about this situation?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-21Added 22 answers

Step 1
If you mean, when can the roots be expressed using arithmetical operations and sines of rational multiples of π: because e i x = cos ( x ) + i sin ( x ) the question then boils down when can the roots be expressed in terms of roots of unity?
Step 2
By Kronecker-Weber, this is possible whenever the Galois extension is abelian.

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