If a passenger train travels three times as fast as a freight train, and the freight train takes 4 hours longer to travel 210 miles, what is the speed of each train?

Elliana Molina

Elliana Molina

Answered question


If a passenger train travels three times as fast as a freight train, and the freight train takes 4 hours longer to travel 210 miles, what is the speed of each train?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-22Added 13 answers

Let speed of passenger
train = Sp.
and speed of freight train
= S F
Now Areight train take le hour longer to travel 210 miles.
So by wing given condition.
S P = 35 F 210 t = 3 ( 210 ) 4 + t 4 + t = 3 t t = 2  hour S p = 35  miles  hour

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