You want to have $2.7 million when you retire in 37 years. You feel that you can save $600 per month until you retire. What APR do you have to earn in order to achieve your goal? A. 10.52% B. 11.28% C. 9.11% D. 9.87% E.10.97%



Answered question


You want to have $2.7 million when you retire in 37 years. You feel that you can save $600 per month until you retire. What APR do you have to earn in order to achieve your goal?
A. 10.52%
B. 11.28%
C. 9.11%
D. 9.87%

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-30Added 5 answers

Future Value $2,700,000 (I want to have value after 37 Years)
Retirement will be after 37 Years.
Amount we can save is $600 per month which comes to $7,200 per Year ( $ 600 12)
Total amount I can save is $266,400 which comes from ( $ 7 , 200  Yearly saving  37  Years)
So interest rate required to earn $2.7 million
= Total amount that iam going to invest during 37  Years  /  Future Value  100
= $ 266 , 400 / $ 2 , 700 , 000 100
= 0.09866 100
= 9.87%
So required APR will be 9.87% to achieve my goal

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