In the general case (where (G, *) can be any group) assume x_1 and x_2 are in G and y in A. (a) Use the definition to simplify (pi_(x1*x2)(y) (b) Use the definition to simplify pi_(x1*x2)(y) If you've done this correctly the two answer should be equal. This shows that the two functions pi_(x1)*pi_(x2) and pi_(x1*x2) are equal.

Simon Hanna

Simon Hanna

Answered question


In the general case (where (G,*) can be any group) assume x 1 and x 2 are in G and y A.
a) Use the definition to simplify ( π x 1 , π x 2 ) ( y ) .
b) Use the definition to simplify π x 1 x 2 ( y )
If you've done this correctly the two answers should be equal. This shows that the two functions π x 1 π x 2  and  π x 1 x 2 are equal.

Answer & Explanation

Skyler Carney

Skyler Carney

Beginner2022-12-05Added 9 answers

Here π x 1 ( y ) = x 1 y
Now ( π x 1 π x 2 ) ( y ) = π x 1 ( π x 2 ( y ) ) = π x 1 ( x 2 y ) = x 1 ( x 2 y ) = ( x 1 x 2 ) y (since associativity holds)
π x 1 x 2 ( y ) = ( x 1 x 2 ) y by the defenition.
Cayley's theorem states that every group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group of G (symmetric group of G is the set off all permutations on G). For each g belong to G we form πg and then form the subgroup of the symmetric group of G that is isomorphic to it, by picking together all these πgs. Here, we talk about a subgroup A of G and then also such a formation is valid since A itself is a group.

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