Kayla makes photo frames. She spends $5 on the materials for each photo frame. She can create one photo frame in an hour. She earns $10 per hour at a part-time job at the local coffee shopShe can sell a photo frame for $30 each.



Answered question


Kayla makes photo frames. She spends $5 on the materials for each photo frame. She can create one photo frame in an hour. She earns $10 per hour at a part-time job at the local coffee shopShe can sell a photo frame for $30 each.

Answer & Explanation

Melanie Wong

Melanie Wong

Beginner2022-12-06Added 11 answers

material freach photo frame = $5
She earns part the jaber local shop = $10
scaling price of photo frame =$30
Total cost after photo frame =$30
Total cost after phoo frame = mathrize for one photo+ cost per one hour
Total cost = $5+$10
=$ 15

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