Kialani sells orchid and lily plants at the farmers' market. Each plant sells for a different price. 8 orchid and 12 lily plants sell for $362. 12 orchid and 8 lily plants sell for $388. How much does Kialani charge for the lily plant?



Answered question


Kialani sells orchid and lily plants at the farmers' market.
Each plant sells for a different price. 8 orchid and 12 lily plants sell for $362. 12 orchid and 8 lily plants sell for $388.
How much does Kialani charge for the lily plant?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-05Added 8 answers

we have:
8 x + 12 y = 362... ( i ) 12 x + 8 y = 388... ( i i )
Now ( i ) × 12 ( i i ) × 8 we get,
12 ( 8 x + 12 y ) 8 ( 12 x + 8 y ) = 12 × 362 8 × 388 96 x + 144 y 96 x 64 y = 4 , 344 3 , 104 80 y = 1 , 240 y = 1 , 240 80 y = 15.5
putting y=15.5 in (i) we get,
8 x + 12 × 15.5 = 362 8 x + 186 = 362 8 x = 176 x 176 8 x = 22
Kialani charge for the lily plant $15.5

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