What do you call a 16 sided shape?



Answered question


What do you call a 16 sided shape?

Answer & Explanation

Melody Dean

Melody Dean

Beginner2022-12-15Added 7 answers

A shape with 16sides:
A polygon that has 16sides is called a hexadecagon or a hexakaidecagon.“Hexa” means six and “deca” means ten, so “hexadeca” means 16.The sum of interior angles in a polygon is found by adding up the angles between each side of the polygon. (n-2)180°, where nis the number of sides.Since the hexadecagon has 16sides, there will be 16angles.The sum of interior angles of a hexadecagon is 2520°.If it is a regular polygon, each angle is 157.5°.Hence, 16sided shape is known as hexadecagon.

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