Confidence interval; exponential distribution (normal or student approximation?) Let's

Aryan Salinas

Aryan Salinas

Answered question


Confidence interval; exponential distribution (normal or student approximation?)
Let's say we have got a sample of size n from an exponential distribution with an unknown mean λ.
We want to construct a confidence interval and so we can compare this:
to a student t-distribution with n1 degrees of freedom.
However, as in the case of the exponential distribution, we know that Var[X]=(E[X])2, so rather than introducing an estimator for variance, we can simply use one estimator, i.e:
And now the question is:
Do we compare this statistic with normal distribution or again with student t-distribution?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-03-26Added 7 answers

I do not recommend to use the Student approximation. Instead, it is better to observe that ︎X1++XnΓ(n,θ) with θ=1λ.
Therefore, 2λ(X1++Xn)Γ(n,12)=χ2n2. Hence you can construct the required interval through the quantiles of χ{2n}2.

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