As access to computers becomes more and more prevalent, we see the P-value reported in hypothesis testing more frequently. Review the use of the P-val

Alyce Wilkinson

Alyce Wilkinson

Answered question


As access to computers becomes more and more prevalent, we see the P-value reported in hypothesis testing more frequently. Review the use of the P-value in hypothesis testing. What is the difference between the level of significance of a test and the P-value? Considering both the P-value and level of significance. under what conditions do we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis?

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-11-03Added 97 answers

In statistical hypothesis testing, the P-value or probability value or significance value provides the basis for deciding whether or not to reject H0. The P-values is the probability that a test statistic will take on values as extreme or more extreme than the test statistic computed from the random sample assuming that H0 is true. The value of level of significance a is associated with confidence level of our test.
There are two conditions for P-values that we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
If Pvalueα, we reject H0 and say that the data are statistically significant at the level α.
If Pvalue>a, we do not reject H0.

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