A random variable X is distributed with pdf f(x,θ). T(x) is a sufficient statistic for θ, and S(x) is a minimal sufficient statistic for θ. The following is stated in my notes without explanation: E_θ(T∣S)=g(S) for some function g (independent of θ). E_θ here refers to the fact that the expectation is a function of θ. How can we more formally show this is true, using the definition of sufficiency?

Shyla Odom

Shyla Odom

Open question


A random variable X is distributed with pdf f ( x , θ ). T ( x ) is a sufficient statistic for θ ,, and S ( x ) is a minimal sufficient statistic for θ .. The following is stated in my notes without explanation:
E θ ( T S ) = g ( S )
for some function g (independent of θ .). E θ here refers to the fact that the expectation is a function of θ ..
how can we more formally show this is true, using the definition of sufficiency?

Answer & Explanation

Myah Charles

Myah Charles

Beginner2022-08-20Added 3 answers

It is not true that every function of the data can be expressed as a function of the minimal sufficient statistic. For example, if X 1 , , X n i.i.d. N ( μ , 1 ) and μ R indexes this family of distributions, then X 1 + + X n is sufficient for this family of distributions, in the sense that the conditional distribution of ( X 1 , , X n ) given X 1 + + X n does not depend on μ ,, but clearly one cannot express X 1 as a function of this sufficient statistic.
But the definition implies the conditional distribution of T given S does not depend on θ ., and from that it follows that the conditional expectation of T given S does not depend on θ ..

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