Which of the following describe discrete random variables, and which describe continuous random variables? a. The length of time that an exercise physiologist’s program takes to elevate her client’s heart rate to 140 beats per minute b. The number of crimes committed on a college campus per year c. The number of square feet of vacant office space in a large city d. The number of voters who favor a new tax proposal.



Answered question


Which of the following describe discrete random variables, and which describe continuous random variables? a. The length of time that an exercise physiologist’s program takes to elevate her client’s heart rate to 140 beats per minute b. The number of crimes committed on a college campus per year c. The number of square feet of vacant office space in a large city d. The number of voters who favor a new tax proposal.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-12Added 16 answers

a) Continuous. (Because 'time taken to elevate heart rate' can take any integer value and in between those values in seconds)
b) Discrete. (Because number of crime can only be an integer)
c) Continuous. (Square ft. of empty space can take any value, even between integer values)
d) Discrete. (Number of voters can only be an integer value)
Continuous, Discrete, Continuous, Discrete

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