General solution of (x^2−y^2)dx+(3xy)dy=0

Chelsea Pruitt

Chelsea Pruitt

Answered question


General solution of ( x 2 y 2 ) d x + ( 3 x y ) d y = 0
Find the general solution to the homogeneous differential equation
( x 2 y 2 ) d x + ( 3 x y ) d y = 0
The differential equation does not seem to be separable, and I'm having a tough time to put it in the general form of
d y d x + p ( x ) y = f ( x )
Would someone mind offering me some assistance?
Thank you

Answer & Explanation

Phillip Fletcher

Phillip Fletcher

Beginner2022-10-29Added 21 answers

This approach should work.
( x 2 y 2 ) d x + ( 3 x y ) d y = 0 | 1 x 2 ( 1 ( y x ) 2 ) d x + 3 y x d y = 0 | 1 d x d y d x = ( ( y x ) 2 1 ) 1 3 x y | u = y x , d y d x = d u d x x + u d u d x x + u = u 2 1 3 u
Hope you can work out the rest of the work.

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