Solving differential equation (2x−y)dx+(4x+y−6)dy=0



Answered question


Solving differential equation ( 2 x y ) d x + ( 4 x + y 6 ) d y = 0
To solve this, I let y be the dependent variable so that the equation becomes 2 x y + ( 4 x + y 6 ) y = 0 and isolating y I got
y = 2 x y 4 x + y 6
Here, I find difficulty on how to rewrite the equation into a first order separable ODE in the form
N ( y ) y = M ( x )
as to what value of y containing v should I substitute in order to rewrite the equation into separable form. I have used a software on how to solve this, it suggests on substituting
y = 2 x 4 x v + 6 v v + 1
However, I find it difficult to trace back how did the software find the value of y that will be used in the substitution.

Answer & Explanation

Layton Leach

Layton Leach

Beginner2022-10-31Added 15 answers

x = X + A , y = Y + B
Then you get:
Y = 2 X Y + 2 A B 4 X + Y + 4 A + B 6
Y = 2 X Y 4 X + Y
Find A,B such that
2 A B = 0 , 4 A + B 6 = 0
Then the DE becomes homogeneous. Substitute Y = V X

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